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    Are you getting our news?

    If this website and our quarterly magazine isn't enough for your news, information and event updates, did you know that we also issue a regular newsletter that will come straight to your inbox? It's not just for members either. So, even if you have a passing interest in Naturism, or are dipping that first naked toe in the clothes-free waters, you can sign up.

    Why not do it now?

    You'll also find on that page a link to previous newsletters and so you can see what you've been missing - or maybe send the links to people you know who you think would also like to receive them.

    If you'd received our newsletter from earlier this week, you would have read about the South African connection on next week's The Forum Live, and read about the event highlights of this weekend including yoga and meditation classes, Keep Fit for British Heart Foundation, the naked 80s disco and Naked Brunch cook-along, as well as information on all the online events taking place next week. Find all those details here.


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