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    Online Events Showcase: Life Drawing

    You do not need to be an artist to try Life Drawing.  BN members Andrew and Gill have attended a number of the Life Drawing sessions. They told us; "we have found these to be enjoyable and fun.   You don't need to have any experience, or even skills in art.   There is guidance and support from the two excellent tutors and the session is mostly hands on.   It involves a number of breakout rooms where we take it in turns to draw other participants.  So there is also an opportunity to be a model, which is a new experience and at the end you can see how others have made you into work of art!” “Go on, give it a try, you won't regret it!” Live Drawing is on Saturday at 1pm.

    Did you know that we run over 100 online events every month? You can find details of them all on our events website. Choose from fitness classes and community sessions. The latter are free to BN members and members of other international Naturist federations. Not a member? Join here!)


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