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    The Great British Skinny Dip - moving to July

    5 Months to Go…

    It’s always difficult, isn’t it, when an annual event comes and goes and we’re left having to wait an entire 12 months until it rolls round again? Like Christmas, Pancake Day or the Wimbledon finals it feels only natural to wish for 12 months to become, say, 10, or nine. Did you feel that way about The Great British Skinny Dip? Did you wish hard? Someone must have because even though it was four months ago there are only 5 months left before it’s back again. GBSD is moving to July.

    There are a few reasons for the rejigged schedule. Our first three years proved that GBSD was/is popular but we realised that there may still be people out there dissuaded by the cooling temperatures of September. So, pulling the event right into the middle of summer seems like a fair experiment to make! However, ironically, even though the July air temperature will be an average of three degrees warmer than September’s, the water temperature will likely be half a degree cooler. But shh, don’t tell anyone. July also makes it a little easier in terms of access to venues simply because it will still be term time and the pools and venues will be in slightly less demand than in September. But there are also a couple of weeks when family skinny dipping will be possible, with the little ones released from school.

    But the biggest reason for the move, though, is to really encourage any newcomers to stick with it. We realised that by winning first-time Naturists over just as winter sets in the drop-out rate post-GBSD is still quite high. If first-timers can enjoy a sustained season of Naturism they’ll be more likely to stick with it!


    2019: More Opportunities for More Organisers

    We’re off to a great start with events into double figuresalready lined up for GBSD and many more being planned. As year on year has proven (as if we didn’t already know it..) the more events we run the bigger and better the turn out and the louder the bell of Naturism rings. It calls out across the land announcing the arrival of something special. So let’s turn up the volume and make some real noise. Every idea and suggestion wins the proclaimer a bonus point and every one will receive the support of everyone else. Every event that is organised will be promoted across the BN community and we’ll make sure that the promotion extends well into the local media too. Look at the effort that went into the Wigton Baths swims if you need a little inspiration. At the end of the day, what’s a few phone calls or a little bit of charm next time you drop into the leisure centre down the road? There’s plenty of advice and helpfor you on the GBSD website and advice from many people who have already run events, or found great success in knocking on doors to get more venues - our grateful thanks to them!


    What’s It All About?

    The Great British Skinny Dip is, however, about more than just taking our clothes off and going for a splash. Or is it? Isn’t that exactly what GBSD is about? The simple joy of being naked? In a pool? With nothing between you and the fullest enjoyment of your body? It’s easy to overthink GBSD but that’s ultimately what the event is promoting – that being naked whilst swimming is glorious, is fundamentally healthy, is absolutely natural and feels so good! If there’s a message to deliver from a pedestal this one is just as important and worthy of the spotlight than any other. Here’s the best bit - even if people DON’T participate, they are hearing that message and having their views of Naturists and Naturism changed. That’s got to be good for everyone.

    If you head on over to the GBSD websiteyou’ll be able to have a read of completely new website text (and enjoy some beautiful new pictures). See something you like? Or not? Let us know through the usual channels and stir up a conversation!


    Coming Together to Build an Events Page

    In addition to new text this year you’ll find a brand new listings page with a shiny search option and an interactive map with every event pinned. Everyone can get involved with it too as the power to add your own events is now in your hands! Now there’s even less excuse not to organise an event…

    For anyone thinking ‘Darn, I’d love to get involved but it’s all a bit too much for just little ol’ me!’ don’t despair! Remember, together we are strongest! So, if you’ve got a great idea and a burning ambition to organise an event call in the cavalry, work together, split costs and claim the glory of being the team who organised a fantastic Naturist get-together. If your club doesn’t have a pool, or perhaps for some reason doesn’t want to hold an open day, why not get together with other clubs in your area and hire a pool between you? We’ll gladly help you to promote it!


    Taylor Boxall

    on behalf of the GBSD team


    Keep up to date


    Facebook: greatbritishskinnydip

    Twitter: GBSD2019

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