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    Europe's Best Nude Beaches and Resorts

    A free guide exclusively for BN members!

    BN members have something to help banish the winter and lockdown blues with the online publication of a new holiday book celebrating hundreds of nude beaches and resorts in Europe. It's available exclusively to BN members, and has 200 pages of listings, pictures, directions and advertising to the most beautiful, peaceful, and sunny naturist sites on offer.

    The book is a fully revised and updated version of a previous title published by BN members Nick Mayhew-Smith and Mike Betts. Originally called The World’s Best Nude Beaches and Resorts, this version now focuses on Europe alone, covering popular naturist destinations including the Spanish islands, France, Greece and Croatia, with a new, expanded section on the UK listing all the main naturist holiday centres. And it includes some of the lesser visited naturist destinations too, such as the Baltic states, Scandinavia and eastern Europe.

    Visit the BN shop now to find the guide (log in required)

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