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  • Regional News and Information

    BN has six regions that provide a vital local focus to BN's members and activities. To find out about news and events in your region please visit one of our regional pages:


  • IMPORTANT for Houghton Lodge Garden Visit - please note change of date!


    Due to an enormous error by yours truly the date of the Houghton Lodge Garden Visit has had to be changed to TUESDAY 11 JUNE. I can only offer my apologies, I had asked for Wednesday 11th in error and the venue picked up on 11th and have us booked for TUESDAY 11 JUNE. They have another event on so can't accept any naturist visitors on Wednesday.

    I feel so stupid for not double-checking but as they say, it is what it is. If you know of any friends that were planning to come please make sure they are aware of the change.

    Colin Taylor

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