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    Eventbrite Report a 32% Surge in the Appetite for Naked Events

    The 2023 Eventbrite marketing report has revealed a fascinating surge in interest in nude recreation.

    Eventbrite is a global ticketing platform selling 300 million tickets per year for events ranging from music festivals to marathons to charity fundraisers - including our own Naked Heart Walks. As such, it is one of the largest mainstream ticket providers.

    Eventbrite’s 2023 analysis of trends reported “UK events mentioning the word ‘naked’ (like naked yoga, for example), jumped 32% in attendance” from January 2022 to 2023.

    While British Naturism events have seen similar growth in interest over this period, our own data are modest in scale and effectively report interest within the existing Naturist community.  Obtaining information on the views of the wider public can be difficult and often relies on anecdotes.  The Eventbrite data are large scale and cross-sectional, and this rare insight reports a change in attitude across society.

    The change comes as no surprise as people seek to reclaim their bodies and find solutions to their personal discontent with the skin they live in.  Mental health difficulties are at an all-time high and people are increasingly finding that shedding their clothes to spend time with others and reconnect with their bodies can provide part of a solution.  During the interval covered by the Eventbrite analysis, our own work with media such as The Guardian reported the appetite for nude events. It seems that event organisers have been recognising the demand and that people have seized the opportunities.

    We would not be surprised to see the number of events grow even further next year. Features such as Channel 4’s Naked Education really highlighted how much we can gain by accepting our bodies. Spending time naked is good for us and as it becomes more common, we can only hope that those positive effects are seen across society.

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