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  • About British Naturism

    British Naturism (BN) is the internationally recognised UK national Naturist organisation. We exist to unite and support Naturists, to protect, and provide more Naturist venues, to make social nudity acceptable in the UK and to provide comprehensive information on Naturism and Naturists around the world.

    Run by volunteers and supported by a small paid staff, BN was formed when the British Sun Bathing Society and the Federation of British Sun Clubs merged. We celebrated our 50th birthday in 2014 and nowadays we are a Company limited by guarantee. We are largely self-financed with the majority of our income coming from membership subscriptions. Our governing body is the Executive Committee, made up of 14 individuals fulfilling a national or regional role. After a certain period of membership any member can stand for election – it could be you! All members can vote at the Annual General Meeting.

    Many Naturists think they don’t need an organisation, but collective action makes things HAPPEN. We run events in brilliant locations; help new groups and Naturist venues to get off the ground; liaise with (and challenge!) government and other authorities; overcome misunderstanding, prejudice and discrimination via the Media; support individuals in trouble and places under threat; provide a point of contact for information and advice; and in our campaigning work hard against the ever-changing environment that throws up new threats – even for Naturism done in private places.

    Within British Naturism we have 6 regions, and all members – clubs and individuals – are part of one of them. You will see which your region is by looking alongside the postcode on your membership card. It doesn’t preclude you from getting involved in what’s happening elsewhere though! Also run by volunteers, they provide local points of contact; broadcast information to members and enquirers; run events; act as the eyes and ears for BN; take action on local issues; and provide networking and sharing opportunities for clubs. 

    We are the UK member of the International Naturist Federation (INF), which has similar purposes to ours, but operates across the world. www.inf-fni.org. This means our members are not only part of a UK community, but also of a much wider global community of Naturists. The INF currently counts Naturist federations from 38 countries worldwide among its membership, including most European countries. When travelling abroad our members can approach the national Naturist federation in the country they are visiting for advice and assistance should they need it.


    So, want to be part of it?

    For less than £4 a month, you can become part of the most active, vibrant and meaningful Naturist community in the UK. You'll get lots in return, including:

    • A Welcome Gift Pack sent with your membership card, including a booklet on BN and Naturism (see picture), two recent copies of BN Magazine and a car sticker.
    • Four issues of our full colour, fully-illustrated, information-packed magazine with news and views from the UK and overseas delivered to your door.
    • Access to our vibrant online community, where there's discussion, Q&A, information, chat, blogs, downloads, and image galleries.
    • Members' only events and group holidays, other gatherings with discounts on entry prices.
    • A photo ID/membership card – proven to be useful in establishing your credentials with Authority figures, especially in times of trouble.
    • The BN Holiday advice service where a team of experts will help you to plan your holiday, suggesting locations, providing information, and bringing you up to speed with what to expect, in and out of the resort.
    • An International Naturist Federation (INF) card - giving access to some overseas Naturist places, and discounts in others, as well as proving your eligibility for assistance, if needed, from the local federation when travelling abroad.


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