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Rates and Opportunities for promotion with British Naturism for 2024 - no change to prices from 2023!

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British Naturism (BN) is the Number One organisation for
Naturist information in the UK.

We offer BIG discounts for buying advertising space - on several items or booking for a full year in advance. All advertisers and sponsors qualify for occasional adverts in our weekly newsletter, sent to over 10,000 inboxes for no additional charge.

For all advertising enquiries, please contact advertising@bn.org.uk or call +44 1604 620361
Please note that all prices exclude VAT

British Naturism magazine

Our quarterly magazine is issued free to over 9,000 members of our federation. It has an estimated readership of 15,000 Naturists in the UK and overseas.

Ask us to send you a copy of our magazine in the post or send you a link to an online version.

Display advertising

Full page£880
One-half page£485 (Back cover £565)
One-third page£380
One-quarter page£295
One-eighth page£195

Publication deadlines

  • Spring - January 15th. Publication early March.
  • Summer – April 15th. Publication early June.
  • Autumn – July 15th. Publication early September.
  • Winter – October 15th. Publication early December.

We can offer help in making up your advertisement, if needed, included in the price.

British Naturism Annual Guide - view it online!.

Our publicity booklet is distributed widely including at exhibitions. It is available online and in a print version and is current for 12 months for only £300.

British Naturism website - www.bn.org.uk.

Front page sidebar advertisement£400 for 3 months
£600 for 6 months
£800 for one year
Holidays page 'Featured Destination'£250 for 6 months
£400 for one year
Banner advertisements at the foot of pagesPlease ask for details

Event sponsorship

The following promotional items include a mention on the BN event website and BN magazine. Our flagship event Nudefest (nudefest.co.uk) in June attracts almost 1000 visitors. We're also hosting another big event this year, our 60th birthday Jamboree (shop.bn.org.uk/pages/jamboree) which will also attract many hundreds of visitors. Both events will gain wide coverage in the media.

Sponsor the whole event£2000
Sponsor an activity£150
Advert in programme£150
Flyers distributed at events£150
Exhibition table£150
Donation of prizeNo charge

Classified Advertisements in the BN Magazine (words only)

Up to 50 words£50
Up to 100 words£80

Make your advert stand out!
Add £15 for a box
Add £15 for a colour tint

15% discount on classified advertisements if you book and pay in advance for four entries - you can edit your advert for each issue.

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