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  • Women in Focus - Helen hears from Siobhán Hazzan

    side.jpgHelen meets Siobhán Hazzan, a recent naturist convert and an ordained pastor with the Christian Naturist Fellowship (CNF).

    Q. What got you into naturism/nudism?
    A. When I met Peter, he was already a naturist. As soon as I realised that I was in love with him I knew I had to try it as I wanted him to have a partner who shared his love of naturism. If that wasn’t going to be me then I wanted to let him go to meet someone else who would be. Thankfully once I tried it I realised that it wasn’t as big a deal as I thought it would be and I actually felt very comfortable being naked.

    Q. Is there a difference between the two labels?
    A. Not in my opinion but I have heard people assume that nudism is akin to voyeurism but I don’t believe that to be true.

    Q. How does it impact your life on a day-to-day basis?
    A. Naturism has given me more confidence and improved my mental health greatly. I have also made some amazing friends who support and care for me. I also find that I don’t particularly like wearing clothes. So as soon as I have an opportunity to be naked ... I am!

    Q. What challenges do women face in naturism generally?
    A. I personally have only found a new freedom. I know though that before I tried Naturism the challenges I thought about were whether or not my overweight naked body would be acceptable to other people. I don’t worry about anyone looking at me with sexual desire because as a 59 year old overweight woman, I assume that would never happen anyway. I think other women may worry about that though. My own personal experience of naturist men I have met, is that they are very respectful and usually very nice.

    Q. How can we encourage more women to try it?
    A. As women who are already naturists, we need to speak out more and be seen more. We need to reassure women that they if they go to the right naturist places, they won’t be judged, or preyed upon but that they will gain so much more body confidence, and as a result will become more confident in general. Overweight women like me need to be seen more too. We need to get away from always filming slim, beautiful and young people. Showing a more diverse cross section of ages, sizes and races is very encouraging I think.

    Q. How can women help in desexualising nudity?
    A. My opinion on this subject is a bit contentious. I believe that it is clothing. I’m not a prude and enjoy wearing nice clothes when I have to, but an over sexual dress sense increases the sexualisation of the body in general in my opinion. This then has a knock on effect on the naked body image. Instead of looking at the body as a beautiful thing and the story of someone’s life, we think, if she’s naked she must want to appear sexy.
    I also think women have to desexualise their own body sometimes. I have earlier mentioned that I don’t believe my body to be sexually attractive to anyone but that shouldn’t even be a thought I have. I accept my body for what it is. Therefore I shouldn’t even think about whether it is sexy or not. It comes from what society has told us is sexy, I know and understand that, but as women we have to become better at appreciating ourselves as whole human beings, our bodies just being a part of the whole picture of us as a person.

    Q. What can men do to help in desexualising nudity?
    A. Most of the naturist men I have met so far seem to have already managed to do this. I think if men could stop commenting openly when they see a woman they find desirable, that would help. Especially if they say that stuff in front of other women.

    Q. How can we encourage body positivity and acceptance?
    A. We encourage body positivity and acceptance by being positive about our own bodies and accepting our own bodies and being open about that.

    Q. What advice would you offer to women curious about naturism?
    A. Try it at home first and be kind in your comments to yourself and be brave. Every body is beautiful, even yours.

    Q. What drives your passion in promoting naturism?
    A. Naturism has so much to add to someone’s life. Not just better body image and positivity but also it is fantastic for your mental health and sense of wellbeing. It’s a much happier life and the people you meet are amazingly lovely and genuine. Naturism can only increase your happiness and it increases the feeling of community and fellowship with other people. I believe they world would be a much more pea!ceful place if people live naked. As a Christian in naturism I also believe it was God’s intention for a perfect world.

    Q. Is your family supportive?
    A. Absolutely yes. They can see how much happier I am in myself and what better life I have. Has naturism changed since you first got involved?
    I’m happy to see naturism getting more press lately. Other than that I haven’t been a naturist long enough to see any fundamental changes yet.

    Q. How do you see the future of naturism?
    A. I see it becoming more normalised and accepted. British Naturism and others around the world are working so hard to get rid of the taboos and I think, although there is still a long way to go, I believe we will get to the point where naturists won’t need to hide their lifestyle choice anymore.

    Q. Any other thoughts?
    A. Not really. If you want a better life ... get naked!

    podcast-icon-32.png.ce42c3e519a0bf5262f1194319db8151.png Siobhán was featured on episode 4 of the Women in Focus podcast. You can listen to her episode here.


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