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    6.75 million Naturists in the UK

    An Ipsos poll recently commissioned by British Naturism reveals that 14% (equating to 6.75 million adults) of people in the UK describe themselves as Naturists or Nudists.  A similar poll conducted in 2011 confirmed the figure at 3.7 million (6%).

    The fact that Brits are increasingly opting to strip off doesn’t come as a surprise to British Naturism since it reinforces what the organisation already knows – that people of all ages are increasingly turning to healthy, body-positive, clothes-free recreation and enjoying a wide range of live and online events and activities.

    Dr Mark Bass, President of British Naturism, said:

    ‘Attitudes to nudity are changing with taboos and stigma being eroded.  Modern society is weighed down by a body confidence crisis and more and more people are discovering the benefits that nudity brings to mental, emotional and physical health by allowing us to reclaim ownership of our identities.  When we spend time naked with others we realise that we all have scars and flaws, and that we don’t need to compare ourselves with an airbrushed model.  Naturism gives us the freedom to be ourselves and have a lot of fun.’

    The results are based on a representative sample of 2,249 people, equally divided between men and women, and evenly spread among age groups from 16 to 75. While the majority of respondents were white, individuals of all ethnicities were well represented.

    Skinny-dipping in particular is very popular, with 21% of respondents saying theyve swum without a costume before.

    Other key findings of the Ipsos MORI survey:

    • 39% of adults have taken part in nude recreation such as skinny dipping, sunbathing or visiting a Naturist beach.
    • Respondents were asked on how many occasions, if any, they had been naked in the company of people, including videoconferencing. Over 1 in 5 respondents (22%) said they have done this on at least one occasion in the past 12 months.
    • Participation appears to be higher among young adults than older people, with almost half (47%) of 16-24 year-old respondents having done this at least once in the past 12 months compared with 6% of respondents aged 45 – 75.

    For media enquiries, including the formal press release, please contact Andrew Welch, BN National Spokesman andrew.welch@bn.org.uk


    Image by Nirish Shakya/nizzah.com

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