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    British Naturism Member Makes Headlines by Rowing the Atlantic

    Yet again our members are making waves with the media, quite literally in this case.

    Julie Paillin, features in The Sun today for facing the severe endurance challenge of rowing across the Atlantic Ocean.  Julie is part of a team of four taking part in the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge.  The team will be the first mixed quad to row the ocean and are doing so to raise money for several charities.

    The original aim was to raise money for Blood Bikes: “East Midlands Free Wheelers”, “Devon Blood Bikes”, and “Wessex Blood Runners”.  However, the team have added a fourth group, “Duty to Care”, an organisation that provides online mental health support to healthcare professionals, the type of work that is absolutely crucial right now, while the NHS faces such demands.

    Like many of these endurance challenges, the team will be doing much of the rowing nude to reduce friction.  As a naturist, this is of course second nature to Julie, who many of you will have already met.  For those who haven't, she hopes to be at more of our events as soon as they reopen.

    To read more about the team, including how to contribute to the cause, go to Force Genesis or read the full article in The Sun.

    Edited by mark.bass

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