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    Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 – NATURE-ism

    As we continue to look at how Naturism can support our mental health as part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, we look at the word from which Naturism draws its name, “nature”.  Research shows that nature is crucial for our mental and physical health and our relationship with nature significantly contributes to good mental health and well-being.  70% of UK adults agree that being close to nature improves their mood, and 49% say that being close to nature helps them to cope with stress.  The mental health benefits are a key reason that Naturists continually try to reconnect with the natural world and the longstanding international definition of Naturism states that:

    "Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment".

    The redevelopment of our own facility, British Naturism: Sunfolk, has been done to minimise environmental impact and create an experience that is sympathetic with the natural beauty of the place.  If you are looking for a contained way to be naked and reconnect, the site will reopen at the end of June and we would be glad to welcome you.  If you are looking for an opportunity to really get back to basics, our Windermere Woodland Weekend in July provides the opportunity for wild camping, free hiking and skinny dipping.

    Regardless of whether you choose to engage with a British Naturism activity, we implore you to take your clothes off and reconnect with nature in some way.  You will be surprised how much it relaxes you and will help you to release tensions that you might not have even known were there.  The earth is remarkable, do try to experience it first-hand.

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