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    The Value of Being a BN member

    Two cases in the last couple of months have highlighted the value of being a BN Member and the work done over the years by the BN legal Team in clarifying the law in relation to nudity in public. There is, however, still some way to go in order for that information to reach all police officers, writes BN Vice Chair, Colin Ratcliff

    One member had four separate visits from Gloucestershire police officers regarding standing just outside his house to smoke while naked (not a recommended activity but that is on the smoking aspect, not the nudity). Apparently, a school bus briefly passes the end of the road, and this appears to have been the catalyst for the visits.

    Despite each officer, on speaking to our BN Member, agreeing that there was no unlawful activity taking place, he continued to receive further visits which caused some upset.

    Having asked BN for advice a letter was sent to the police from our hotline solicitor. This had the expected result that no further investigation was being undertaken, no more interviews were necessary and with the police making reference in their reply to the College of Policing Guidance note as the reason.

    The second case also had a satisfactory outcome. A BN Member was out running in the countryside in the manner we are all used to and prefer when the weather is warm. He was detained, arrested, interviewed and bailed by Surrey Police. Again, following liaison with BNs legal hotline solicitor and with the added support of a comprehensive letter to the officers involved from our in-house legal team, the police released him from bail stating no further investigation would be taking place. Although a traumatic experience for the individual the support system worked in the end.

    Donations to the BN legal fund are always welcome!

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