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    'Dynamic Dunescape' at Studland

    Studland Bay is arguably, Britain's best Naturist beach. The bay in Dorset - with other non-Naturist sections is owned by the National Trust. Nude bathing has a long history there. British Naturism is even represented on the official, National Trust operated, beach users group.

    Some major work is planned for the dunes at Studland and Woolacombe. A science project in 2016 discovered that changes in the habitat had led to a significant loss of local wildlife. Numbers of sand lizards and meadow pipits have diminished due to the encroachment of gorse and trees, forcing the creatures to the dunes shrinking edges.
    The 'Dynamic Dunescape Project' aims to restore the dunes to their former glory as the largest example of 'dune heath' on the south coast. Sponsored by an impressive list of conservation organisations, Natural England, Plantlife, Natural Resources Wales, The Wildlife Trusts, and the National Trust and financed by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the EU LIFE Programme.
    The work will include using diggers to recreated areas of bare sandy ground, introducing cattle grazing and removing Carp from 'Little Sea'. But the idea is to encourage people, not to put them off. There will be some fencing to contain the cattle but access to the beach will not be restricted.  All paths will remain open to the public but with gated access.
    For more information visit: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/studland-bay/features/studlands-dynamic-dunes and https://dynamicdunescapes.co.uk/project/dorset/

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