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    There’s Snow on the Ground but GBSDs and NHWs Beckon!

    The little village where I live awoke to snow Tuesday morning. It doesn’t happen very often but when it does, everything looks gorgeous. And freezing cold! You might be thinking that the thought of baring all just doesn’t bear thinking about now, but you’d be wrong. This is the time to start planning your nudie 2023, and there are already quite a few Great British Skinny Dips (GBSD) and Naked Heart Walks (NHW) to look forward to.

    First, check out the GBSD calendar. There are already recurring swims listed for the entire year along with, so far, three women-only events:  Club Naturel Ladies-Only Clothes-Optional Swims on 27 January and 3 February, and the Lancashire Sun Ladies Only Event on 16 May.

    We know that many other venues, including Naturist clubs, are planning their dips, so bookmark the page and keep checking back. If you'd like updates and information straight to your inbox, why not sign up for our newsletter?  You'll find the sign up at the foot of each page at greatbritishskinnydip.co.uk.

    If immersing your naked body into water isn’t your thing, maybe strolling clothes-free through gorgeous gardens, woods or estates is!

    You’re in luck! There are already five Naked Heart Walks lined up - all great opportunities to enjoy nude recreation and raise valuable funds. This year's Naked Heart Walks will be clothing optional to allow the maximum number of people to decide to participate and raise valuable funds for our charity partner. We're confident that many that start dressed will be happily stripped off by the end!

    Tickets are now available or will be very soon for:

    Powderham Castle, Devon - 20 May

    Cross Morecambe Bay - 11 June

    Himalayan Garden and Sculpture Park, Yorkshire - 1 July

    RSPB Rainham Marshes, Essex - 23 July

    Knebworth House, Hertfordshire - 10 August

    And there’s always room for more! Remember, we’re dipping and walking to support the fantastic work of the British Heart Foundation, so the more events, the more money raised to keep everyone heart-healthy.

    And another reminder: Most of the people who find and arrange all the amazing activities British Naturism offers are volunteers. If there’s nothing going on in your area, get involved! You can make an event happen, even if all you do is send us a venue suggestion.

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