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  • BN 242 Winter 2024 By Guest

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    The Winter issue of our members' magazine is out now! As always, it's chock-full of news, information, listings and fully illustrated features and articles.  Contents include:  All the events you can look forward to and a round-up of everything that's been happening – including our 60th anniversary Jamboree and EveryBody festival British Naturism Sunfolk reopened – and people are loving it!  TheNakedTruth awareness campaign six months on River of Progress:
  • BN Advertising Ratecard By Guest

    • 982
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    This is the Advertising Rate card for 2024  The rate card is available for download in three different languages. Please click the orange button ("Download this file") and select the language that you prefer.  La carte tarifaire est téléchargeable en trois langues différentes. Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton orange ("Download this file") et sélectionnez la langue que vous préférez.   La hoja de tarifas está disponible para descargar en tres idiomas diferentes. Haga clic en el botón
  • How to Talk About Naturism By Guest

    • 2,400
    • 4
    Talking about Naturism and being open about our involvement in it helps to normalise social nudity. Many people report feeling relieved once some people around them know - and it can be a real confidence-booster. However, raising the subject and knowing what to say can still sometimes be difficult and so we have created this set of suggestions to help you. It includes: Great ways to introduce Naturism into a conversation Positive messages to engage people's interest and help them
  • Legal Guides - Public Place Naturism By Guest

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    There are three legal guides; one for Scotland, one for England and Wales and one for Northern Ireland. Please ensure that you download the correct version. Here in the UK we are lucky enough to have a legal system that we believe can be relied upon to maintain order and to support us in times of need. We have confidence in the police, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Judiciary to act impartially and that their processes operate in a fair, consistent and transparent manner. Howeve
  • BN Children Deserve Better Report 2016 By Guest

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    British Naturism is the national organisation for Naturists in the UK, with over 9000 active members, and representing the interests of almost 4 million Naturists nationwide. We share a philosophical belief in a natural naked lifestyle, in harmony with nature, with their counterparts all over the world. We believe that children should be brought up and kept safe in an environment of openness and body honesty. They should know about how their bodies work, what happens to them at puberty and

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